Welcome to EA6BF’s Website                                                            

                       Josep Torres, Ibiza Island, SW Balearic Islands, Western Mediterranean Sea


                      Other callsigns, EA6ACC, VK4IBZ, VK4DBH, VK4FOC, V31TJ, ZS/EA6ACC, 3DA0FOC, AO6FOC, W5/EA6BF, EF6B, EF6OC



Hi all,

my name is Josep and I was first licensed in July 1992 as EA6ACC, but after some years, and due to participate in Contests, I thought it would be easier to have a 2-letter suffix, so I requested it and was issued with my actual EA6BF call.

I am devoted to CW and operate that mode 100%.

In the past I have done some RTTY, and achieved DXCC Low Power in that mode, but soon I quitted and dedicated only to CW, my passion.!

I work all bands, and in the last years, and for many years, I have been dedicated to 160m. I have worked 240 countries there, all US states and all 40 zones. My antenna for this band was a 27m top loaded vertical, homedade. Unfortunately, back in 2021 and due to aging and strong winds, it collapsed.

Now i have a very simple 1/4λ Inverted L, so at least I have something to go on the air for Topband.

Of course, not pretending to work long distance DX with this antenna.!

I am a proud member of several CW Clubs like,

BUG #256

CWOps #3072

FOC #2182 (was #1724 in my first tour from 1999-2016)

Central Texas DX and Contest Club

HSC #2016

VHSC #441

SMHSC #246

My radio station is,

Home Station,

Radio 1                                                                        Radio 2     

Elecraft K3 #2611 100w                                              Elecraft K3 #3379 100w

P3 Panadapter #2674                                                 P3 Panadapter #4037

KPA500 Amplifier #4596                                             KPA500 Amplifier #0762

KAT500 ATU #1510                                                    KAT500 ATU #0199


Hexbeam 6 bands at 16m, 6-10-12-15-17-20m

Full size Delta Loop for 30m

Full size Delta Loop for 40m

1/4λ Inverted L for 60-80-160m  

Remote station


Elecraft K3 #1391 100w (Radio site)

KPA500 Amplifier #0291 (Scheduled for next winter season)

KAT500 ATU #2028 (Scheduled for next winter season)

Elecraft K3/0 Mini #0358 (Home Control)

RemoteRig RRC-1258 MkII boxes

RemoteRig RC1216H (KPA500 Control)

SpiderBeam Yagi 5 bands at 10m, 10-12-15-17-20m

I am active every week in the CWTs MiniTests, so if you need me, you will find me there.

I upload my logs to LoTW weekly.

My Bug Collection, which is my other passion.

It contains,

2 McElroy keys, an S600 and a 1936B model.

3 J36 Bugs from WWII, a Bunnell, a Vibroplex and a Lionel

A Vibroplex Model X circa 1912

A Vibroplex Zephyr circa 1939

And several more bugs from different eras


  My DXCC Records

    160m          240

      80m          238

      60m            36

      40m          271

      30m          243

      20m          311

      17m          260

      15m          290

      12m          231

      10m          264

        6m            65


EA6BF Home Station

Remote SpiderBeam Antenna

Remote Station

My HexBeam Antenna at home

N2DAN Mercury Paddle #110

UR5CDX Paddle CT755

      BUG #256                   CWOps #3072             FOC #2182              30CW #302                       CTDXCC                   HSC #2016                     VHSC #441                   SMHSC #246

                                                   (ex 1724)

           Email me

(Request QSL via Buro)

Last updated September 6, 2024